I'm here for 8 months from the states and want to make some money. Can I get a job here? If so how? Is there required paperwork to get permission? thanks. I'm 21 and i volunteer in Manila at a school which is connected to my church in the States. I have experience as a window covering installer, college athletic worker/ bouncer. I dont have any experience modeling but all my friends have told me too. Maybe its easier to get into than it is in the states. Lonesome, what do you do?
Philippines - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i'm sure you can, you just need to secure an Alien Employment Permit from the nearest DOLE office and clearance from the Bureau of Immigration. the latter is a pretty complicated process where you may have to go back and forth between different offices.
2 :
why not just present a valid passport , your working visa , your resume , and first apply to an agency where you are fit in to work . by the way why are you there in the philippines . you did not state here your age and your job previously in the states .give more deatails about yourself who knows i could help you in the near future . good luck for your application.
3 :
If you have a work visa and job from where you came from. Jobs are very few and far between among a mass of overeducated and unemployed population.
4 :
Sure but not as much as you may expect.. Philippines' labor rate is way way below the western labor rate.. Would you like to work with me? haha just asking. Actually our company teaches students around the world who don't speak English.. I am looking for someone who can teach English well.. A walk in the park, isn't it? Would you like to try? email your cv here: applerowena@yahoo.com
5 :
I worked in lipat bahay (moving furniture) for three weeks, no paperwork of course. 2400 peso, free water. You have to fix your own food with your work mates but sometimes you get food from the ppl you are helping. Some days I worked like 14 hours but a couple of days we only worked a couple of hours.
6 :
There is a very slim chance you will get a working visa here in the Philippines. With so many Filippinos unemployed the wages here are lousey and the hours are evan worse 6 days a week. You may be able to work under the table at a call center and that pays a whopping P10,000 a month for a 12 hour nightshift 6 days a week.
7 :
Yes it is possible. Here's my story: I'm 24 and living here in the Philippines with my wife for almost a year now. My permanent residency allows me to work legally here. I've printed out at least 100 resumes, spent hours everyday walking to different businesses and handing the resumes out, and applying online. I finally have a job now as a security consultant/instructor. It started out at 30,000 pesos a month but now after taking the instructor job I'm making at least 65,000 pesos a month, more depending on how many classes I teach a month. I have 5 years in the US Army (Infantry) and a year working for Brinks in Atlanta, Georgia. Since you're here through your church I am assuming you are living here legally. Your best bet would be then to get either a work visa from your prospective employer or permanent residency. In order to get permanent residency though, you would need to marry a local. I would suggest getting a hold of your resume and update it. Make sure also to include a 2x2 picture attached to each resume (Filipinos like to see what their prospective employee looks like before hiring, so make sure to shave and get a decent haircut for it and wear a collar shirt). Next, make contacts. Talk to everyone you know, make sure they know you are looking for a job and what your skills are. Pass along your contact info and even a resume to your contacts that they can show others. It's all about exposure. Based on my experiences though, your best luck is going to be finding companies that are American owned, or who at least have an American owner. Every Filipino supervisor/HR that I've spoken with about being hired did not hire me. Some even laughed at me, thinking I was joking. "Why would I want to hire an American when I can hire a Filipino who needs the job more?" I've been asked that! Of course, the same question can be asked to the Filipinos who go overseas and look for a job in America, "why would I want to hire a Filipino when I can hire an American who needs the job more?" All in all, use what you have already for contacts within your church community. If you don't know Tagalog, learn it! When you do get interviews or you can talk to a supervisor/HR, let them know you are serious about the job and this is not just a hobby for you. If they think you will be a hard and honest worker and they need the position filled, they will call you. Good luck to you. I hope your job hunting goes better than mine. If you want, send me a private mail through here and I'll see what I can do about helping you out with contacts.