Tuesday, July 14, 2009

will US desktop computer work in the Philippines

will US desktop computer work in the Philippines?
im debating if i should buy in the philippines since im coming back home but i found out that its more cheaper if i buy a desktop package here in US then send it home through LBC. i know that voltage is higher there but i can easily get away with that through voltage converter, but my question is, will it work in the philippines if i buy the computer in the US?
Desktops - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The only problem might be the power, so if you get the voltage converter there shouldn't be any difference.
2 :
I think you already addressed your question, If you use a voltage converter you should be up & running. 1 word of caution is by taking the system to your home country- Not the USA- it will probially would void the warranty, That's what happened to my Marine friends who bought Pioneer Stereo components in the Philippines and brought it back state side, Just a bit of knowledge that we ran into , but that was back in 1977. Things may have change but I seriously doubt it. Good luck on your move, & If you bought a good system I suspect you'll have no problems. Good Luck, Again.!!!
3 :
Of course it will work. If PC's power supply has a 115 - 230VAC selector switch, you simply set it to the higher voltage when in the Philippines. If PC's power supply is the more sophisticated model that has active PFC, it is usually auto-ranging. It will automatically work on any AC outlet from 100 to 240VAC. Better check the warranty. Look for Global warranty. Otherwise, you may have a problem with warranty claim once PC is in the Philippines. Personally, if I were in your situation, I would rather buy a laptop in the US (cheaper) but buy a desktop in the Philippines.