Sunday, March 7, 2010

I live in the US..will the magic jack work for the Philippines? How will it or them to have the MJ

I live in the US..will the magic jack work for the Philippines? How will it or them to have the MJ?
Does my party in the Philippines need to be the one to have the MJ for it to work?
Philippines - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Magicjack only has US area codes. If you want to call the Philippines for free then they need the magicjack and need to get an area code assigned to it that is the same as yours or if you also have magicjack they can ask for any US areacode and call anywhere in the US free.. j
2 :
oh.. hmmm... send me your email.. ill tell you once my brother get his.
3 :
Both of you will need to have the MJ so that you can call each other for a lot less than if you do ordinary international long distance calling. Their website says it's as easy as just turning on your computer and connecting to the internet and pluggin in the MJ to the USB port then dialing. But from what I saw and heard from someone who uses it, when your party in the Philippines get theirs, they will need to go to the website of MJ for them to set it up. Same goes for you. You both just need to follow the instructions there on how to get the assigned phone number and other things you need to do to set it up. Once you're both set up and ready to go, you will both need to have your computers on and connected to the internet to be able to use the MJ to call. You may want to do a bit of reading online about it since I saw quite a bit of negative feedback regarding it. It's better to be safe than sorry, right?
4 :
Yes, assuming you have a recent computer with a decent broadband connection, a Magic Jack will work anywhere in the world! In your case, both of you should probably have one on each end, so the calls will always be free. But, in theory, if they have one with same local exchange number in the same area code, you could call that number free and they could call your regular line. I think that's what you are asking anyhow... If you haven't ordered yet, I'd suggest going to this site and follow the links to go try to find a discount coupon code first. I saw somebody say you might have to try adding the code TWICE before it will take it and apply discount to your order. There are also screen shots of the order and set up process there, plus good advice like taking your time if the area code you now have is not available yet. I was in a hurry on that part to see if it would work since my mouse needs USB slot (it was fine). They also say to NOT use an ADMIN account on your computer (use typical user account) or you may run into problems. All of that is good for you to know in advance! Good Luck!